报告题目Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Chemistry and Education


人:Prof. Jung-Il Jin(陈政一)


报告时间:2019617日 上午9:30-10:30



According to K. Schwab 'We stand on the brink of technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another. In it's scale, scope and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before.' This lecture deals with the historical perspective of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and discusses its significance and expected future impact on our society, technologies including chemistry, and education. There is no doubt that 'Chemistry and Advanced Materials' will enable the digital revolution for 4IR. Scientific creativity is believed to be the most important quality for scientists to demonstrate their leadership in the fast changing society. Educational environment and requirements are changing rapidly in the 4IR age, which demands digital learning and education for highly converging mind. Complex global problems can only be efficiently solved by converging science and technologies.


Jung-Il Jin(陈政一)教授,曾任国际理论和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)主席、亚洲高分子学会联合会FAPS)主席、韩国科技院院士、韩国高丽大学化学系教授


陈政一教授长期从事液晶高分子科学的研究,学术思想活跃,构思具有极强的理论创新,取得了一系列国际公认的标志性学术成就,在包括Adv. Material, Macromolecules等重要国际学术期刊发表学术论文400余篇,撰写学术论著Liquid Crystalline PolymersGeneral Chemistry6部,获重要奖项12MacromoleculesPolymer JPolymer InternationalChinese J. Polym. Sci.10余种国际期刊编委。曾任韩国化学会主席、韩国聚合物学会主席、韩国聚合物杂志主编。1995年,当选韩国科技院院士,2008年成为韩国科技院董事会核心成员。2002-2007年,担任IUPAC聚合物分部副主席、主席,2008年当选为IUPAC主席以及亚洲高分子学会(FAPS)主席。